Our Mission
We exist to see the glory of God and the gospel of Jesus saturate our city and valley.
PV is a gospel-centered missional family, learning and living the way of Jesus in the city of Vernon. Our strategy is to equip the church to be fluent in the gospel and to live out our gospel identity wherever we live, work, learn, and play.
Our structure is intentionally simple. We GATHER to reorient our worship around Jesus, and we SCATTER to intentionally display the light of the gospel in our everyday lives.
Our gathering includes...
Preaching - Preaching is an important part of our Gatherings. We typically work through a book of the bible and consider it within the context of the larger story of God. From time to time we will teach through key topics as they address specific aspects of following Jesus.
Singing - More than 50 times in the Scriptures, God's people are commanded to sing. Our musicians play Christ-centered music, not as a performance but as an act of focusing our attention on God.
Communion - Every month we set aside time in our gathering to take the Lord's supper together. We do this as a celebration of Christ's body broken for us and his blood shed for the forgiveness of our sins.
Giving - We worship a generous God who has entrusted us with resources to steward for his purposes. An important part of worship is our response of giving. At our gatherings we have a giving box at the back of the auditorium. Generous giving is needed to fund the mission of the church, both locally and globally. Click here to give!
Kids - We believe that parents have the primary God-given responsibility to disciple their kids. At our Sunday gathering, we provide age-appropriate teaching environments for kids up to grade 7.
Students - Grades 8-12. We want to come alongside parents and disciple students to live life with Jesus, life in community, and life on mission. We encourage students to participate in the Sunday gathering and see themselves as integral to the life of our church. Our students gather every Friday for a time of teaching, and games.
Growing in the Gospel
DNA groups are similar to what people think of when they say "small group" or "community group," but the emphasis is responding to the Scriptures they are studying, rather than just learning more information. For the sake of camaraderie and commonality, DNA groups are gender specific; men meeting with men, and women meeting with women. DNA is an acronym that reminds of us three key components of discipleship:
Discover the truths of the Gospel in Scripture.
Nurture these truths into our hearts, leading to repentance and faith in the Gospel.
Act in faith to obey what Jesus calls us to do and share with others what he is doing in our lives.
Life in Community - The primary place we are committed to sharing life together is in our Missional Communities. MCs are small groups where we live out our gospel identity in the everyday rhythms of life. MCs will regularly share meals, study the Scriptures, share honestly about our struggles, speak the truth in love, serve one another and those in need, and share the good news of Jesus with those God has placed in their lives. Learn more about MC’s here.
Life on Mission - Missional living means that we not only tell people about Jesus, but live among them in a way that can only be explained by the gospel. We create space in our lives to love our neighbours, friends, and coworkers in a way that displays the love of Jesus. Our MCs are not simply small groups that huddle up to talk about the bible, but a people who see themselves as missionaries sent by the Spirit. We live this way out of a genuine desire to love our neighbours and serve our city.